We're consultants in document imaging
systems and document conversions - Our company has over 20 years experience in document imaging,
creating full text and image databases, data conversion, OCR/ICR, scanning and data/document management system implementations. Clients include
US West, Boeing, AT&T, Dole, World Bank and other businesses
and groups in education, insurance, government, medicine, engineering and
Check out our projects - Clients range from Fortune 50 companies
converting millions of pages to a text/image database to local hospitals seeking workflow
ideas for financial applications. Projects have been implemented using client's
facilities, offshore facilities, onshore conversion firms or a combination of services.
Our consulting parameters
- We're not hardware
or software vendors, but provide recommendations, consulting and implementation services
based on our knowledge and experience for specific needs, time frames, cost and complexity
of the project. Fees are based on a project or an ongoing basis. Our parameters.
Scanning cost factors - Five areas impact the cost of creating a
document image system. Take a guess - which is first? Scanning
Why an image system? - In real life, your company might be better
off waiting several years before implementing a document imaging system. Check this
information and see if it would be beneficial to you NOW. Do we need this system?